Revolution is messy. People get left behind. / 大魔王真的太神了自身的强大与弱小、机智和愚昧通过那些表情就能一目了然而这种表情我都没在她其他作品中看到过/ fuckin’ hate political games, but hey, it’s all about power, you lose if you don’t grab it / 结尾那个镜头十分Chantal / 其实制作各方面都没有那么优秀摩擦摩擦 是魔鬼的步伐只是这个题材太犯规了最后几段话和一些史料影像看得人简直热血沸腾唯一就是我对它们还不够了解等上完一节FEMST再回头看一定更有感触
let's get out there,and run down the stairs, and go out in a hail of bullets, and then we will die, and we'll be really free..